Thursday, December 4, 2008


Cheyney's post made me think. There is a dynamic definition of confrontation. So many people think they are self-advocates for calling someone and facelessly squaring off. I thought I was tough for calling Dish Network multiple times. In reality, I was playing their game. I only made a difference after bringing out the consumer advocate big guns. Now, taking a personal risk, trying something alien, getting blessed out by the owner of a kickboxing gym and calling him out for his lack of decorum; that is brave. The historical institution of visceral experience is dwindling. The next time you are out, pick a random face, and ridicule them for their lack of lock-step... give a soliloquy on personal appearance, no matter how minor the infraction... insult a person for wearing stripes with plaid... The point is, pick a fight! Feel the flow of adrenaline as Cheyney undoubtedly did. Resolve those feelings of inadequacy when it comes to interpersonal pugilism. And GO GATORS!!!!!!!!!!!