Saturday, August 16, 2008

Albany, Georgia... a haiku experience

Here is our trip to Albany, retold in Haiku form:

Albany Georgia
It's bricks, like bones, are crumbling
Paula won't go back

Play means love for kids
Chehaw's giant wood pirate ship,
Don't splinter their hands

Albany's fish bowl
Beneath water, young minds breathe
Aquariums rock!!

Johnny Carino's,
Your bread appeases children
Woo us with pasta

Albany, Georgia
It's buildings desire windows
She can't see without

If you hate haiku,
Cannot stand my imagery
Kiss my grits sugar


cheyney webb said...

Who knew Albany could inspire you to poetry! Who's Paula?

ridgeandjenny said...

Why, Paula Deen of course! She's from there and started her cooking stuff there.