Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You self indulgent weiners...

None of you agreed with me!! Has there ever been a larger monument to the self than a blog? I don't post so that you can discuss and try to one up me! Okay, look, sure clothing wasn't exactly invented by conventional means. It did take a discerning eye to pick the proper items to cover oneself. Could you imagine choosing poison ivy the first time? And anyway, without clothing would we have the same standards of shame? I think many things would be different. Kids go naked in many cultures until puberty; but they are clothed eventually based upon a standard of shame. I liked everyones ideas. I have to agree with Mark that the sandwich is awesome. The wheel was pretty smart, but every time you see a photograph of the guy who invented it, he's wearing clothes; BYE BYE credibility!!! The airplane is a good one, but man those life preserver seat bottoms would chafe the naked body! I especially enjoyed the way that Ryan totally alienated his sister for the sake of his brother in law. Methinks Ryan would be a good cast member on Survivor. His name could be Rotten Ryan or Janus Lindgren or Twoface Cheatem.


Ryan said...

Its a sibling thing. Wendy has been trying unsucessfully to one up me her whole life.

Wendy said...

Thanks for making me think Ridge. This inventive stuff was pretty fun to read and think about. Okay, so now that you've explained your reasoning behind clothing, I can see where you're coming from.

Fun post!

ridgeandjenny said...

Thank you both for still reading and responding to my post. I feel it necessary to recant the "weiner" comment, lest I lose some of you. Of course, anyone that knows me should have little trouble not taking me seriously.

cheyney webb said...

I miss your blog for a day and you have already moved on to bigger and better things. Fun to hear everyone's comments. I agree with Mark... the toilet. I lived in Africa for a while where the toilet is yet to be discovered. I think that is one of the main reasons it is still a developing country. That and lack of vaccinations and antibiotics. So Ryan gets my vote too.

Unknown said...

ridge, did you use "weiner" in your title to emphasize how many of those everyone would be exposed to everyday without clothes?

and this is not ridge's dictatorship, you encouraged everyone to discuss, not demanded us to agree with your obviously infallible argument.

I have changed my mind...the greatest invention ever is the snuggie. As the commercial shows, you can change the remote without getting a chill...and we ALL know how difficult that can be. In addition, if you happen upon a wizard convention, you are well prepared.