The four people whom regularly patronize this blog, let us discuss the most influential invention in the history of the world. Not necessarily the most benevolent or certainly not the most popular, but the most influential (feel free to be serious). Examples: I claim it to be clothing. The far reaching and all encompassing influence of clothing on so many facets of our lives is undeniable! I challenge anyone to disprove my claim! Someone once told me that the watch is the most influential. Please, give a more interesting idea than I have... I look forward to your responses. All four of you.
Rube would want you to participate.
Not sure if I'm one of the 4, but I'll give my several cents. I would agree with clothing as influential. But I wouldn't necessarily qualify that as an invention in the true sense of the word, at least in my mind.
The invention that came to my mind first is disposable diapers. Seriously. I can't imagine raising kids during the Victorian period when babies didn't get their cloth diapers changed for several days at a time. Along the same lines is baby wipes, to which you devoted a previous post. I guess diapers aren't influential, but I'll say it's my favorite practical invention.
A top influential invention is airplanes. To think that anyone can travel the world at anytime to any place in a short amount of time is simply amazing. Travel and experiencing different cultures changes a person. Travel via airplanes has influenced business and politics worldwide.
Air conditioning is another great invention--but again, I don't think it's really influential, except for influencing comfort levels.
All this to say, my vote for influential invention is the airplane.
The wheel. Can't have an airplane without a wheel. And it's no problem to invent the wheel in the buff.
Or maybe some farm implement or other tool that made it so people could harvest enough to stay put and have enough free time to invent other things.
antibiotics or vaccinations. I bet one or more of the four responders would not be here if they or someone of their progenitors had not been aided by either.
come to think of it if clothes werent invened, some of us might not be here too.
justins answers are pretty good. Along those lines...Fire.
in response to wendy: my wife angie said that in china, they just let the babies go bare bottom, and go wherever they must...glad she didn't try that herself when she got back. also, the transporter from star trek gets you there much faster then the airplane.
in response to ryan: don't you know i'm allergic to penicillin
justin is close, because the heavy plow was huge in getting europe out of the middle ages...otherwise we'd shovel poo with our hands, like in monty python and the holy grail. and would fire really be the invention? wouldn't it be the flint and the thingy, or the match that was the invention?
one of the best inventions has to be the toilet...especially for communities of people. it avoids disease, pollution, and embarrassing situations.
but obviously, the best invention, as it is the one all others are compared to, is sliced bread.
Ryan, you said "justins answers are pretty good." But I think you accidentally left out: "but Wendy's answers are the best. And she is SO smart--how did I get so lucky to be related to her?"
sorry wendy even your husband out logiced you. No wheel no airplane.
Lighting is pretty important. So is a lean to. I think anything that allows the human race to manipulate or control their climate is very revolutionary. If you don't agree go sleep under a tree for a few months and tell me you wouldn't love a shelter and some light. Sucker.
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