Thursday, June 26, 2008

Words, words, I love words

I'll begin this post by revealing my favorite word: lull. I have no specific reason save that this word consists of four letters, three of which are L. I would like to put forth a new word for vocabulary, picked at random, as much as possible. For this post, the word is grandiloquent.
Grandiloquent: Pronunciation\gran-ˈdi-lə-kwən(t)s\ Function:noun
Etymology: probably from Middle French, from Latin grandiloquus using lofty language, from grandis + loqui to speak
Date: 1589
: a lofty, extravagantly colorful, pompous, or bombastic style, manner, or quality especially in language


cheyney webb said...

I like the word HYMN. It is great for playing hangman because it has no normal vowels. Now I will try to use your word of the day in a sentence.

Jenny was a grandiloquent singer/song writer as a child.

ridgeandjenny said...

Sounds like the word hymn is great for CHEATING at hangman!! I wish I could have heard some of those lil' Jenny songs...

Luis and Christy said...

I too love a good word -- at the same time, some words annoy me too much to describe. One word that I can't stand to hear is "kit". Not sure why but everytime some teacher at school creates a new "kit"... nails on a chalkboard.